US Odyssey Part 11: San Francisco

Besides LA, San Francisco was the place Shannon was looking forward to the most. And, so was I, but for different reasons.

She was excited to do some sight seeing, visiting places like the house from ‘Full House’ (as seen in the opening credits), and the most crooked street in the world.

I just wanted to meet up with my old friend Pablo Saba, who was in San Fran doing web related work, and developing some pretty interesting ideas! We’ve known each other for many years, but haven’t seen one another in a decade, so it was a pretty cool reunion. I mean, sure, we’d been in touch over the years, chatting on MSN, Facebook, and through email, but it’s not the same. We had also been watching each other’s musical paths as we started bands in high school and developed our music tastes in university. Pablo even designed my old band Vaya‘s album artwork, merchandise and website (if only there was a record of it online somewhere).

Anyway, we had a lot to catch up on, and then he also helped show us around the city. We visited some parks, walked around his neighbourhood – Haight and Ashbury (infamous in the 60’s) – and made a mandatory stop at the Golden Gate bridge for a jump photo. While wandering we also came across a penny arcade near the water, with all sorts of antique games and interactive attractions.

Side note, we saw a posting for a one-bedroom apartment for rent: $3,400 a month!