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James Livitski

Winning T-shirt designs

Thanks to everyone that voted on Facebook and Instagram! I couldn’t just pick one, so here are the two t-shirt designs that will be featured during the European Tour, expertly designed by James Livitski (@thegentlemanbronco).

Of course, you can still get your hands on these babies for another week by contributing to the Indiegogo campaign. The clock runs out on September 28th!

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Vote for the new shirts

With the Indiegogo campaign in full swing, I’ve spent some time with the shirt’s designer James Livitski, or @thegentlemanbronco as he’s known on Instagram. He sent over some shirt designs, and I just couldn’t decide, so I wanted to know your thoughts!

To vote, you can head over to Facebook.com/jeanpaulderoover and leave a comment, or even leave one down below here! I’ll tally the votes on September 19th and announce the winning design on September 20th.

Here are the designs:





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