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October 8th – Hamilton – The Pearl Company

The Pearl Company was probably one of the nicest venues I played on the entire tour. A multi-floor venue, it was an art gallery, coffee bar and performance space. They had an entire amphitheatre made out of couches! (slight exaggeration – not as big as an amphitheatre). The stage was really well lit and the sound was great. And the few people that came out that night were really into the music and we had some pretty intense Q&A during the show too, which was really nice. I even got a review from David Kidney in the “Rylander Quarterly“.

Afterwards I went out and sat with one of the attendees and listened to some recordings he had made decades ago: him playing clarinet in an old gymnasium. It sounded great (despite being lo-fi) and was really inspiring. He even gave me a print of one of his art pieces to take with me. Thanks, it’ll go on the wall once I’m back in town!