Today I began interviewing people for my thesis research.
Definitely a learning experience, not only in asking questions, but figuring out how to ‘re-word’ questions so that they don’t lead participants to any particular answers/responses.
Other than that, I was a huge nerd at the youth centre today, spending most of my time there trying to figure out how to get Cubase to work on a guy’s computer. By the end of 3 hours, I was done…and couldn’t find a way. After that, myself and one of the leaders at the YC went out to the Royal Canadian Legion (which is the most profitable one in Canada apparently), for what I hoped would be wing night. Sadly, no wings. Instead, I witnessed some open jam, and then headed back to NRI to prepare some supper.
Today we celebrated International Polar Year, and NRI also held a little ‘meet and greet’ for researchers and other community groups and individuals.
In the world of music, this morning I heard two really cool things being done in music: – my friend Gaelin Brown is vowing to write, record, mix, and master one song every week for the following year, beginning November 1st, 2008, ending on the same day in 2009. He’ll eventually release an album(s) with all 50+ tracks.
The other was that Ben Folds has a new record coming out soon, and he leaked it onto the net before the release date. Why is this news? Because he leaked it himself, and because the songs he put up are “fake”, in the sense that he got some musicians together, and recorded 8 silly songs and put them up in lieu of the real tracks. Some may not find it funny. I find it hilarious. Read his blog on myspace for more info.
And finally (I know…you’re thinking “hey, he said 2 really cool things, not 3″…well too bad), listen to Man Garden, their songs will be stuck in your head for an entire day, beginning when you start walking up to an arctic college on a dusty road…fine…maybe that’s just me.
That is it for tonight, tomorrow I’m going to wither away playing basketball again, au revoir!