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greg dubeau

November 19 – Nanaimo – VIU Pub

I finally managed to get to the island! Unfortunately, the weather again was crap, so I didn’t see the sun until the next day, and even then it was only for 15 minutes. I arrived at the VIU pub, just in time to get a parking ticket. Wow. 24 hour pay parking at VIU. Lame.

Ah well, the open mic was really happening! The pub was pretty small, but packed to the max with students. During my last song, I even had some foreign exchange students yelling something along with me. I have no idea what it was, but the melody worked!

I also got to give Greg his copy of the album too! He was having a good time, as he does every Thursday night.


The recording process is on the verge of completion. The CD goes to mastering next week, after some truly insignificant touch ups on Monday.

But in other news, some friends of mine at The Loop are going to help me manage pre-sales for the album as well as potentially tickets for the CD/DVD release party. I’ll have some details soon about that, but first…the artwork!!

I don’t have any samples to show you …yet… but you can check out the website and blog of the fantastic artist that will taking care of all the artwork for the CD/DVD project, “Windows and Doors” – Greg Dubeau. I’ve seen all the sketches, and I couldn’t stop shaking in my seat, because of how excited I was to be able to show this to people all over.

More updates soon! But until then, here are some old photos of me in the studio, courtesy of Shannon Lepere.