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November 12th – Lethbridge – The Slice

I woke up in Lethbridge again, and had a stressful day. I needed to have something mailed to Toronto by the next day at 5, so I was really stressed as I put together the package to be mailed and then proceeded to miss every single courier. Thankfully Shannon helped me out big time by mailing it out from Thunder Bay, saving me many hundred dollars! This is me being stressed (but also excited that the ridiculously has ended).

November 11th – Lethbridge – Henotic

I had a few cancellations on the western portion, but I was able to make them work. I drove from Regina to Lethbridge early so that I could play at an open mic and crash at the venue called Henotic. It was a really cool place, and because of a double booking for the next night, they were able to put me up for 2 nights. It was pretty cool, I met this one guy Matt Robinson, who was a fantastic guitar player, and he even invited me to play a show the next night at The Slice, which I graciously accepted. Afterwards though, there were some other eclectic acts, such as this beatboxer!