…10 days and counting!
With only 10 days left until I vanish from the Thunder Bay terrain, I’ve been busy (surprise!) figuring out details about my trip up north, making sure that my paperwork is all in order, etc, etc.
However, one thing that has yet to be finalized is how I’m going to bring some of my gear up there. Because honestly, there’s no way I’m going to go up there and NOT make music. No way. Thus my latest dilemma is “how do I bring an acoustic guitar and looping devices on a plane withOUT having them broken by airway employees?” The answer will surely be tricky, and will also require leaving some of my gear at home. Soon I hope to have a local audio engineer build me a custom road case for ALL my gear, making touring relatively simple (no random boxes o’ stuff), and safe (I’ve collected a fair amount of gear now…). I’m just really excited to get up there, and find some local musicians interested in showing me some of their own music that I can play along too. As well as throat singing. Hopefully I’ll be able to learn more about that.
Did I mention that I was busy? I think so. I met with a professor at the University that I’ve been meeting with on and off (he never actually taught me, but we chat all the time and have a shared musical appreciation), and we came up with a tentative dissertation topic, as well as a plan for my year break from the academic world as I pursue music full time. Honestly, I didn’t want to think about it, but apparently I should be thinking about it now…
Regardless, the topic will be music related, and I should have more information on that for you soon, perhaps when it’s a bit more formulated! But here’s a potential premise: a comparison of the concert experience to ritual theories.