It’s been all over my facebook and twitter pages throughout the past year pretty much, but I’ve been producing a full length album for my good friend Nick Sherman, called ‘Drag Your Words Through’.

Album cover

The album has been completed, and the band is all rehearsed (I finally get to play electric guitar again!), and the release party is this upcoming Friday, January 20th. We’re all stoked about the way that the album came together, with tons of guest performers playing everything from pots and pans to accordions, banjos, and horns.

Check out the poster, and if you’re in Thunder Bay, make sure you drop by the BPP this Friday. If not, ‘like’ Nick on Facebook and he’ll keep you updated on where his CD will be available from. Click through for the TBshows listing.

Nick Sherman CD Release Show

Have a listen to track 9, “Winterdark” – also the heaviest song on the disc!