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US Odyssey Part 4: SXSW (in summary)

SXSW was filled with music. Literally, every bar int he entire downtown area had bands, most of the day, and then all night.

photo by Shannon Lepere (www.shannonlepere.com)

There were also tons of acts performing on the street from folkies to dancers.

Street performers - photo by Shannon Lepere (www.shannonlepere.com)

Here’s my summary of the bands I saw (that were noteworthy – I saw lots):




Rich Aucoin



Free Nachos at the Hollerado Nacho Party

Hollerado's Nacho Party - photo by Shannon Lepere (www.shannonlepere.com)

Cadence Weapon


Cadence Weapon / Eisley - photo by Shannon Lepere (www.shannonlepere.com)

PS I love you

Esben and the Witch

Hey Rosetta

The Liptonians

The Liptonians - photo by Shannon Lepere (www.shannonlepere.com)

Imaginary Cities

Royal Canoe

Flash Mob failure

The empty lot where a flash mob was supposed to be rehearsing - photo by Shannon Lepere (www.shannonlepere.com)

And a performance by the bartenders at Coyote Ugly

Lots of bras and booty at Coyote Ugly - photo by Shannon Lepere (www.shannonlepere.com)


Shimmering Stars – (from BC, we actually ended up meeting them at Denny’s a few days before)

Juice – (an a cappella trio from UK, that has done performances with Beardyman in the past)

Miracle Fortress

Mother Mother



DJ Jazzy Jeff


Extra Action


I ended up missing some of the bands that I really wanted to see because I got heatstroke, and also because they were free shows and just way over capacity.  This included …And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead, Owen Pallett, This Will Destroy You and the Strokes.

Other highlights:

– Lots of free food at most of the venues

– Swimming in a natural pool

– Breakfast Tacos

– Walking down South Congress St

– Shannon enjoying a cupcake from a streamline vendor

– And finally, me making a deal with Death

Handshake with Death - photo by Shannon Lepere (www.shannonlepere.com)