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Rogers Pass

And now for a special ‘show-unrelated’ entry! After Kelowna I drove
to Cochrane, beginning at 1am. It was a long trip through the Rockies,
with lots of snow, slush, rain and fog throughout Rogers Pass.
This is the part of the trip when nostalgia really kicked in. AVS and
I have traveled this route a fair bit over the past few years. In
fact, we’ve taken a group photo everytime we pass a particular gas

2005 – Woodpecker Tour

2006 – 40 days and nights tour

2007 – Rude to TOurDD

And even though it was 4:30am, terrible weather AND I was weather
sandals, I made sure to continue a photo tradition.

2009 – “Windows and Doors” national release tour

Now you can see why I’m sad, as I’m now the only one screaming through the subsequent
tunnels at the top of my lungs. I miss those guys.


The micro-tour with AVS has begun!

We performed at a cafetorium in Thornhill, at St Elizabeth’s high school as part of a music night, and it was great. The stage was excellent, and the audience was really receptive to all types of music (we shared the stage with latin, singer/songwriter, a capella groups and more).

During my performance, I even had a young boy stand off to the side and mimic every movement that I was doing. Thanks to Scott Mackay of AVS from capturing the moment!

Before that, we had an interesting day, having driving from Thunder Bay through the night, we arrived in Thornhill, and had 2 interesting experiences: we founda person on drugs in a park that was coming down, and on the verge of passing out. He had scrapes on his forehead and back of his hand, and it looked like he had bit his tongue badly. He was having trouble walking and claimed to have had problems with his back. Some students from the high school were there and had called paramedics, who arrived shortly after we got there. Naturally, the guy was angry that we had alerted some form of authority.

After that, we headed to The Pickle Barrel, a little restaurant in a mall across the street. Our server was great at first, but then as the evening progressed, he continued to upsell us and then even got mad at the end when we wanted to pay for our meals separately instead of one lump sum for 5 people. Weak.

Regardless, tonight we’re in Guelph, playing at Jimmy Jazz, which our friend Brent Coleman has organized for us.

Here’s one of his lyrics:

“Can’t be bought…
Can’t be bought…
Can’t be bought…
love…can’t be sold.”