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Kyle Lees

October 5th – Peterborough – The Spill

The next night I performed in Peterborough, sharing the stage with Paper Beats Scissors, a cool trio from Halifax. The frontman Tim used some loops, and had a string player and a percussionist with him. Besides that, the thing that made Tim coolest was that he was the first and only person to ever look at my set up and say “oh, Quadro…cool”. He actually knew what the red piping stuff was!! He grew up in England, so he was familiar with it. It blew my mind. Also, the next act was Volcanoless In Canada, from Saskatoon. I’d run into these guys at CMW a while back and we keep running in to one another along the road, so it was great to hang out with them, and finally share a stage.

I put that photo up on my twitter account, and of course Kyle Lees decided to look into it a bit more, and retorted with this little cartoon:

That’s several comics of his that I’ve made it into now!

So anyway…

I slept in the band room upstairs by myself, as the other bands had places to be. Ah well. I woke up the next morning to feed the meter, and eventually made my way to Canadian Tire to get my vehicle serviced for the first time on the trip.

A perfect score except for a broken light on the license plate!

Premise Beach – What If?

My friend Kyle Lees, cartoonist extraordinaire, has several different webcomics going all the time, to the point where he does one EVERY DAY.

His site is called Premise Beach (which is also the title of what is his longest comic series) which originally started in the campus news paper of Lakehead University; The Argus.

One of the other comic strips, however, is called Fight Song, and features Kyle drawing a cartoon about a song of his choice DURING the duration of the song. The following is one that he did for my song Elements.

Looks like Kyle Lees has done it again! Not only put me in a cartoon, but flattered me again.

For the last 8 days, I haven’t shaved. It is in his honour that I have been ‘trying’ to grow facial hair. Sadly, I failed.

Oh Kyle, the sight of your lush chin forest makes my eyes mist in both joy and envy. In fact, I wish I was on one side of that mirror…

As long as you don’t murder me like in that ‘Mirrors’ movie, although hypothetically speaking, I’m totally curious as to how I would die. I wouldn’t have my jaw ripped off or my throat slit or anything like that…it’d have to be crazy. Or really really plain…who knows?

But on that note, I’ve now appeared (ha…rhymes with ‘a beard’) in his cartoons several times, so please visit Premise Beach (also on Facebook!), he has now been added to my ‘friends’ links!

Also, one more piece of information about him that will get you hot: click here.

Cartoons and work

Sorry for the lack of updates, I’ve been working!

And pretty hard too, doing all sorts of film shoots, photo shoots, research, web work, and all sorts of other time consuming stuff.

Regardless, I just wanted to say that there will be more photos from Nunavut posted VERY soon!

And also, the cartoon on the left was made lovingly for me by my friend Kyle Lees, so wish him happy birthday today (November 3rd), and check out his comic strips:


(I’ve even appeared in it a few times)