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Toronto Rhapcity review

Uri Mendoza of Toronto Rhapcity was on his own Canadian tour not so long ago, stopping in every other major centre in Canada, reviewing bands, records and more at every stop. As a touring machine myself, I could certainly appreciate his determination!

While he was in Thunder Bay, he caught my show and did a review. On top of that, he also grabbed a copy of the new record and gave it a really nice review! He’s in Korea at the moment, so we wish him  well, but he’s busy writing about his adventures so make sure to check out his website: www.torontorhapcity.com.

Complexity in Simplicity” album review

Meet Jean-Paul De Roover” article


Some highlights:

–  “Watching him perform onstage was like watching shattered glass piece itself back together; the songs started out as small fragments of a whole, and slowly coalesced into their proper form.”

–  “This is what pop music should sound like; it should sound like a dream, because dreams are where our desires come from, and pop music speaks to our desires.”

–  “He actually reminds me of Steven Page, the former vocalist for the Barenaked Ladies.”

–  “A one-man coming of age and introspective musical about your life. Every moment of self-doubt, every hopeful and revitalizing moment of tranquil clarity, every little detail of your taped up broken heart marked “fragile,” every difficult goodbye, they’re all here. Except that De Roover’s voice is so crisp and clear that it immerses you in the story, placing you in the moment. When he screams, “Get up! Get up! Get up!” you want to get up and run out the door, feet pounding the ground underneath you, their intensity matched only by your hammering heart, which screams out for a second chance.”

Rehearsals Galore

Even though I told myself I wouldn’t be playing much this summer – it’s creeped in there. I’ve been rehearsing for festivals, random shows, and more since getting back from the Year of the Loop tour.

What you see above is my current rehearsal space in my parents’ basement. So what?! With my looping being based on foot pedals, I can’t really ‘jam’ in the second floor apartment I’m currently in!

I have taken some time to work on new material though. Finishing writing a slew of songs, as well as preparing others to be played live. I even took a little trip up to Sioux Lookout to rehearse with Dennis Dumphy, drummer extraordinaire.

Why, you may ask? Well, because he’s going to be playing on the new album!

Yes, it’s in the works. No, it’s not going to be ready any time soon. Trust me though, it’ll be worth the wait. I’ve got an excellent team of people assembled to help me get through the recording process in September.

Ben Leggett – recently produced Craig Cardiff’s Juno-nominated album ‘Floods and Fires’, and will be producing mine shortly! We’ve been hard at work since the spring, redefining, rewriting and reworking even the finest details of the songs that will comprise the new recording.

Dining Room Studios – my favorite studio and engineers; Chris Dorota and Dave Angell will make sure it sounds like ‘me’.

Dennis Dumphy and Chris Dorota will flesh out the ‘live band’ element, adding drums and bass overtop of my existing sounds.

As we get closer to the actual recording, I’ll be filling you all in on what it’s going to sound like, who else is involved, etc. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been rehearsing…for something big!