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Indiegogo Campaign

“Complexity in Simplicity” is nearing completion! We’ve got a couple of steps left, but in the meantime, I started a campaign through Indiegogo to raise the last bit of money needed to complete everything.

Click here to see the campaign, and learn more about the new album, where your money is going, and what you get in return! Some of the perks make nice Xmas presents too! 😉

O Holy Night

I’ve been meaning to record a Christmas song for quite some time now. Finally, I’ve gotten around to it! This is one of my favourites; O Holy Night. I loved singing it with the Thunder Bay Barbershop Chorus, and there are some very powerful versions. However, I changed it up substantially. I started with samples from an a cappella bassline that I time-stretched (originally from some of the “Pitch Pipes” demos), added some salsa/latin/reggae flavour to it, and then laid down the vocals. I kept it to only the first two verses though. I also did what I think was a nifty little solo!

The whole thing was recorded at home, with all the instruments and vocals by me, except for my sister, chiming in on the 2nd verse.

Take a listen, and don’t forget to keep it for yourself – click here for the free download.

O Holy Night by Jean-Paul De Roover

…oh, and in the spirit of giving, please share it with those around you this holiday season! Happy holidays!