We returned to Ottawa after the Wakefield show, where Shannon and I ended up walking around the Glebe district, checking out different shops and signs. We met up with Ignacio and Alicia, and we decided to head to “The Works” for supper. There they have epic burgers, including pop in large measuring cups. We managed to get there just before the supper rush, so we were even bribed to leave our booth sooner with free milkshakes. Who were we to complain?!

That night I played at the Avant Garde Bar again, except this show was different from the last time I played there. It was just an acoustic show instead of a metal show. Amanda Cottreau and her partner Steve Perron joined me, but the show ended earlier than expected because the room was ready to party, and not necessarily in the mood for serene acoustic music. I went on early, but we probably should have reversed the order, as my material tends to be quite loud for just one guy!

The next morning we ended up looking at pawnshops where we found a bunch of sweet used CD’s after having breakfast with my old friend Dionne Roche.